Vision and Values

Friday 21st March

Today we discussed what perseverance means.  Here are some photos of us showing perseverance in PE, writing, handwriting and maths.

Persevering with our handwriting so our letters are the correct shape and size.

Persevering with our basic facts

Persevering to spell tricky words in writing

Persevering in PE so we can hit the ball off the tee

Wednesday 21st August

Today we looked at what a "Skilful, Knowledgeable Thinker" is.
We decided that it means:

  • people use resources such as dictionaries to help them learn
  • people use the skills they learn in one area e.g. Reading, and then use these in other areas like Topic
  • we use a variety of strategies to help us learn in Maths, Reading and Writing
  • using de Bono's hats 
  • asking lots of questions

Monday 12th August

What is a confident active contributor?
We decided that in Room a confident active contributor is someone who:

  • asks and answers questions
  • shares ideas and information with others
  • has a go, they take risks
  • keeps trying, they don't give up

Tuesday 30th July

Today we discussed what being a "motivated and independent learner" means.
We think that it means:

  • you want to learn, you are keen
  • you don't need anyone to ask you to do something
  • you like working on your own
  • you start and finish your work quickly, but complete it with care

Children in our class have shown that they are motivated and independent learners by:
  • researching for Topic at home and then bringing along the information to school to share with others
  • learning their basic facts in their own time

What does respect look like in our class?

We show respect by looking at our
buddies when they share their news

We show respect by holding open the door

We show respect by helping people when they are hurt

We show respect by playing games nicely with others

What does responsibility look like in our class?

We show responsibility by putting down our chair in
the morning

We always make sure that we put away the class games

We make sure that we we do our jobs in the morning:  we sharpen
our pencils and empty our zippets

What does perseverance look like in our class?

We persevere with our basic facts

We persevere with our spelling - even when it is hard!

What learning have we been doing in our class this term?

We are learning to do printmaking in Art with
Mrs Van der Bent

We have been learning about fractions in Maths with
Mrs Van der Bent
We are learning to read fluently and with expression.
We can retell and recall information from what
we have read.

1 comment:

  1. I am Thomas Williams' Aunt and I live in London. It is great to see my nephew and all his classmates doing such great work. Well done!
