Thursday, 28 August 2014

Fabric and Fibre

This term for Art we are learning about fabric and fibre with Mrs Van der Bent.  Here are some of our beautiful artworks so far.

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Volume and Capacity

Every Thursday this term we have been learning all about volume and capacity with Mrs Van der Bent. 
During one of our lessons we investigated the volume of ‘popping corn’ before and after popping.  We were amazed that half a cup of corn kernels makes about 4 litres of popcorn when it is popped!  (Thanks Ruby for bringing along your brand new popcorn maker for us to use).
We have also been using kitchen measuring cups and spoons to complete a variety of measuring activities around the theme of ‘cereal’. 
In one of the activities we were given a box of cereal, and in a group we had to analyse the cereal by separating out the different ingredients.  We then measured the volume of each ingredient using measuring cups and spoons.  There were very few raisins and berries inside the boxes but lots of cornflakes and rice bubbles!
We then had the opportunity to create our own cereal from the ingredients that Mrs Van der Bent had brought along to school - rice bubbles, cornflakes, rolled oats, cranberries, and raisins.  We measured varying amounts of each ingredient to create our own unique cereal and we then recorded our recipe.  Mmm, what a great afternoon tea!

Keen to keep measuring we then worked together to make Rice Bubble and Honey Square!  Everyone helped out with the measuring of ingredients, mixing, eating etc.!!!  I know lots of children took the recipe home and then made it for their families. Well done Room 14!

Saturday, 9 August 2014

Turbo Touch

Friday 8th August

Today we had our first Turbo Touch lesson with Shane from Canterbury Touch.  We learnt how to tap the ball to start and were really good at yelling "TOUCH"  We can't wait till next week for our second lesson.